Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Picking my First Fantasy Congress Team

When I picked my initial team members, I first selected experienced Members who had a strong track record on voting for important human rights issues because that is my top priority. I find that foreign affairs is an area where a person is challenged to be independent, to follow one's heart, and you often have to choose between Bad and Worse, rather than Good or Bad. Issues like human rights and war and foreign aid and helping people around the globe can bring out the best in people, and that was why I went with Joe Biden, John McCain, Tom Lantos. These guys are gutsy leaders who I have learned to respect since I first became familiar with their actions during the violent and tragic breakup of former Yugoslava and the war in Bosnia . Also, I picked people who I consider to be "change agents" such as Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters and my rookie from ILL, Rahm Emanuel. I am going to be curious about is whether the Presidental candidates are too busy campaigning to tend to their Congressional duties!

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