Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fantasy Congress update #3

I choose two of the current Presidential candiates for my team. At the outset, I wondered how their attendance would be effected. In the case of John McCain, his attendance has been very low, 48.5%. Hilliary Clinton os clocking in a fairly respectable 90.1%, which seems good considering the demands of her time.

To give credit to McCain, he is my top scorer in sponsoring legislation, currently as 230, so he's no slacker! At the same time, I'm keeping a close eye on his Maverick status. He has worked closely with the Democrats on a number of bills and I know he's in a tough situation, having to prove his loyalty to Republicans during the race, but if he doesn't show the courage to stick to his ideals on a few close votes in the coming months, I'll be a bit dissapointed.

I've also been dissapointed with Ruben Hinojosa because he has yet to score any points on legislation, but perhaps it is just a matter of time before he some points. I picked him because I noticed that he had very high numbers on the legislation that he sponsored, but I guess he must have put a big bunch of bills up before I picked him. He was a replacement for my original pick as supporting line up. The one he replaced was a black woman from Northern California, Barbara Lee, and I had expected her to be a real rabble rouser. But she didn't earn any points for the first week with me so I looked around to replace her. Now I wonder if I made a mistake! What I've learned from this is that I have to have patience. It makes sense that they aren't going to be active in sponsoring legislation every day or even every week. Now I know.

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